Ralston Purina Co., Checkerboard Chow and Cereals
Tyco/Hong Kong billboard reefer 40 foot stock#355E (Tony Cook's website)
See MR General forum
According to the appendix to George Allen's O scale model (M.R.S. 2441), which appears in the Nov. 1940 issue of MR magazine, page 456, it is as follows.
Roof, ends, and facia, tuscan. Sides, white with red squares. Panel on right, light blue with white lettering. Other lettering, black.
Above is the model photo that first appeared in MR magazine, an HO scale kit from Laconia Industries (Mar. 1953 issue page 35). According to the product introduction (Sept. issue p14 of the same year), "According to the manufacturer, the prototype was converted from a refrigerator car into a box car. The round roof exhibits four ventilators in place of conventional ice hatches common to refrigerator cars. The reefer doors, however, were not altered, and are therefore shown on the model. " See also the instruction sheets on HOseeker.net
Next is a photo of the prototypes. Five cars that appear to be the same can be seen.
page 22 of the "40' Wood Reefer Collector's Guide" by Atlas O, LLC 2004
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