Simpson Products Company Dibision of the Loudon Packing Company Terre Haute Ind.
"The Perfect Dog Food" Beef Products, Contains No Horse Meat
AHM/Roco Private Owner Reefer Doggie Diner No. 5296-D (Tony Cook's website)
2021-03-03 水性アクリル塗料"red"を発注。
2021-03-06 床板加工、ツヤ消しブラック塗装。屋根歩み板をアサーンBB用に交換。
2021-03-07 屋根と妻面に濃茶色塗装(コーヒーブラウン、D2オリジナル)。
2021-03-10 レタリングをタッチアップ。床板抜け止めを接着。
- NWRL/Marshfield Beer, 40' wood reefer (A..
- Radiant, Central Lemon Association, Crat..
- Monarch Foods, 40' wood reefer (Branchli..
- Red Top Milk, 40' wood reefer (Athearn)
- Coors Beer (2), 40' wood reefer (Athearn..
- Tivoli Beer (2), 40' wood reefer (Accura..
- Goetz Country Club Special (2), 40 wood ..
- Century Beer, 40' steel reefer (Accurail..
- Green River, 40' steel reefer (Con-Cor)
- Ralston Purina, 40' wood reefer (Tyco/Ho..